The WTL Club Health & Fitness News

Topical information regarding diet, weight-loss, health, fitness, & nutrition.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Is There Anything Good About Soft Drinks?

Is There Anything Good About Soft Drinks?

Soft drinks by definition are non-alcoholic beverages consisting mostly of carbonated water mixed w/ sugar or an artificial sweetener plus various natural &/or artificial flavors & colors.

Most soft drinks contain large amounts of sugar & acids that may lead to weight gain &/or dental decay. Soft drinks also have a high phosphorus content that may interfere w/calcium absorption. The average American consumes 40 gallons of soft drinks a year.

Unless the soft drink is caffeine-free, the caffeine may cause problems with adults or behavior & developmental problems in children. A 12 oz. cola containing 50 mg. of caffeine is the equivalent to 4 cups of coffee in a 175 lb. man. Excess caffeine may raise blood pressure & cause irregular heartbeats. Some soft drinks also contain high levels of sodium.

Both the sugar & the caffeine in soft drinks can be addictive &, according to how many you drink per day, you may experience withdrawal symptoms such as headaches, just as if you were hooked on a "drug", if you try to stop drinking them cold-turkey.

Artificially sweetened soft drinks have their own issues because of the harmful effects that each kind may cause. (Check out one of our previous articles.) How many people do you know that have lost weight due to drinking diet soft drinks? Studies have shown that the use of artificial sweeteners may even cause weight gain.

Some people drink soft drinks instead of water, but for every soft drink that you consume, you need one or more glasses of water to flush out the harmful effects of the acids & sugar (regular or artificial) that you consume.

The bottom line about soft drinks, is that they offer little to no nutritional value. Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit & we should do our best to put the best things possible in them to promote life because - Jesus is The Way, The Truth and The Life. ( John 14:6)

Karen Minnis
The Way, Truth & Life Club