The WTL Club Health & Fitness News

Topical information regarding diet, weight-loss, health, fitness, & nutrition.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Is Your Fitness Sinking or Swimming?

Sinking Or Swimming (Floating)

Did you know that when you are eating properly & have enough fiber in your diet that your waste will float in the toilet. Are you floating or sinking?

The eating of plenty of fresh raw fruits & vegetables will not only provide life-producing enzymes for health maintenance, but the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, & fibers for a healthy colon. When you go to the bathroom, it should only be a long trip if you want to steal away for some quiet time away from the family or some moments of peace of mind or reading - not because you need the time to eliminate. Your solid waste elimination process can & should be just as quick as the process of urination, & it should be at least 1 or more times a day.

There are some people who eliminate waste only once or twice a week or even a month. These people need a serious overhaul of their eating habits & /or their colon.

If you are having an elimination problem, try natural sources of help like prunes, prune juice, psyllium or senna tablets. Psyllium is a natural fiber that can help with the elimination process. Senna provides a gentle stool-softening effect rather than the harsh effect of some laxatives. Natural foods & remedies should always be our first choice of action. You should try your local health food store & /or try a naturapathic doctor for advice on foods & other remedies & make some lifestyle changes vs. quick fixes might help for the short run.

If you keep on doing what you’re doing, you will keep on getting what you’re getting.

Jesus is the Way, the Truth, & the Life (John 14:6) & when we seek Him w/our whole hearts, we will find the truth & the help that we need for every area of our life.


Karen Minnis